Cynthia Sconce
Mark Sconce
Courtney Hannah Sconce
Cindy and Mark Sconce are the parents of Courtney Hannah Sconce.
Cindy and Mark assist California State Senators and Assembly Members in supporting legislative efforts related to child safety, sex offender sentencing and Megan's Law registration issues. Cindy and Mark also share their story with members of the California Victim's Witness program at their annual training seminars.
November 8, 2000 was a beautiful, sunny and warm day in Northern California. The kind of day people in other parts of the world would love to have. A black cloud that is still with them to this day was created that afternoon.
Their youngest daughter, Courtney, 12 years old at the time, was kidnapped, raped and strangled to death on the banks of the Feather River in Sutter County, California. Her killer was being investigated for the sale and trade of child pornography via the Internet. He allegedly commented that if he was going to go to prison anyway then he might as well go for something that was worth going to prison for so he decided to abduct, rape and murder a young girl.
Her killer pled Guilty to the charges and was sentenced to Life Without the Possibility of Parole (LWOPP) to be served in the California State Prison system. He was 19 years old when he committed this terrible crime, and 20 when he was sentenced. He also pled guilty to the Internet sale and trade of child pornography and is serving that 10-year sentence in Federal prison, first. He is scheduled to be transferred to California's State System prison in April 2011 to start serving his sentence for Courtney's murder.
Their membership with the Surviving Parents Coalition is due to their belief in the organization's mission and their willingness to assist in any way possible to keep America's children safe. Please help them and the other members of the organization by joining us in supporting it and it's efforts in any and every way possible.